Many of you were very helpful when I asked to test a video a week or so ago. It was really a spontaneous thing with a video that wasn’t at all suited for the web. It had a bitrate about 100 times bigger than normal web bandwidth. Those of you who know I live in NY also know that we don’t have palm trees here. I was in a beautiful tropical area with only an Android tablet and no serious web development tools.
THANK YOU! I really appreciate all of your helpful comments. They gave me some leads into a more serious adventure.
Now, I’m back at home and come begging again. This time, more organized and for a very specific reason. Some of you might have seen that the great woodcarver, Mary May, has plans for an online video woodcarving school. I’m helping wrestle through some of the geeky web aspects and am sorting out how to get videos to play in the widest ranges of browsers and devices. It sure is handy to carry a tablet computer to the workshop and watch instruction at the bench!
We will very much appreciate your help with video testing again. I’ve set up 4 test blogs to try different players and different formats. Please try as few or as many as you can and let us know how they work, or don’t. Please START HERE.
Now defunct.
Many of you responded. Your remarks helped tremendously, and we appreciate your help.
Big THANK YOUs to many kind folks who tested our videos. Your testing assured us we’re on the right track and play on all sorts of PCs, tablets, and even some phones!
MANY THANKS to: Patrick Anderson, Brander “Badger” Roullett, David Taylor, Daniel in Austrailia, Steve Longley, Kevin Wilkinson, Marge, Doug F., Rick, Hayhoe, Jim Marsh, and Shannon Rogers.