Our grandchildren now have name signs to mark their territory. Each is about 7 inches wide by 5 inches high. They are carved from basswood. Running in order of age, oldest first, we have… (click on images for larger views)
Markus – Master of the aquarium. He keeps many colorful varieties well fed and healthy.
Hannah – Quiet, thinking, studious. The floral motif on her carving is taken from the philosopher’s carving on Giotto’s campanile in Florence.
Ewan – Transformers, Transformers, Transformers. He has a large collection and knows how to transform each of them.
Georg – The builder. He’s always building interesting structures from Lego or from wood blocks. Often, he builds to great heights.
Wow, Bob, that’s gorgeous crisp work! Nice flat fields, and smooth, flowing curves in Hannah’s script.
Thanks Steve. They were all fun. Each had its own challenges.
Bob, I haven’t seen anything quite like those. I love the work and the thought put into it.
Thanks Luke. They’ve all been put to use already.