Shellacked and waxed, loaded with tools, sufficient room for more; I’m calling it done.
The lower drawer ~could~ be labeled “Heads,” with the upper drawer being labeled “Tails” (and assorted mandrels). The top holds face plates, frequently used wrenches, and that plastic bottle is full of jigsaw blades.
One of the photos explains why I wanted non-protruding drawer handles. That storage position saves room in a small shop, and for the curious, does not get in the way of using the treadle.
Very nicely done! Clean, organized, efficient…. all goals of mine 🙂
Thanks Roy. Glad you like it.
Good stuff, Bob. I really enjoyed following along on this one. Looks very well executed.
Thanks Matt!
See, I was thinking about space saving when I scaled it to fit where it does, even though my shop isn’t nearly as tiny as yours.
Looks really good Bob! My goal is to be half as organised as you are. 😉
Nice fit into the treadle too.
Thanks Greg!