- A wise man (maybe a wiseguy?) once said “Use sandpaper like someone else is paying for it.”
- Hey Doc, is my shoulder supposed to make a clicking sound?
- The provocative young thing, in her incredibly short skirt, about to fall off her incredibly high heels said, “For 100 bucks, I’ll do anything you can describe in 3 words.” As I reached for my money I said, “Sand my boat.”
You just made my day, Bob. Thanks for that.
Cheers — Larry
I thought is was “Paint my house.”
Too funny! Happy Mother’s Day!
I had a 40′ mahogany cruiser that my wife and I lived on. Every two years I hauled it and, among other things, board sanded the hull with a three foot float. I hated that job with an absolute passion, so I know where you are coming from with this post.
It always paid off, though. Each time I got to spend another two years in the water looking at the sweetest high gloss black planked hull on the lake.