My refurbished “Boy Scout” axe has been doing a fine job, but as I learned more about bowl carving I wanted something better for actual carving. First, I wanted a larger cutting area, similar to the Swedish style. Second, I wanted a special grind, flat on one side and tapered on the other … for right handed carving.
Sergey Fadir at FadirTools in Ukraine quickly agreed to the requested grind, and actually did a special forging that echos the grind. This asymmetric axe does exactly what I expected, easier carving with fewer glancing blows. THANKS Sergey!
…and a short video…
Slight correction to the voice in the video. I have since learned that the bowl in the video is not oak, but ambrosia maple. … maybe a bit harder than oak.
I bought an adze from Kharkiv forge based in part on your review and was delighted with it. How does this axe from Fadir compare?
Also, in your previous entry I can’t figure out what is going on in the picture where you seem to be hewing two logs fastened together…
Hi Ken.
This axe is as good as the adze, excellently made. Now, comparing shipping labels, I see the adze was shipped by Sergei Ivin at Karkiv Forge and the axe was shipped by Ivin Serhii. So, I’m imagining both guys named Sergei are one and the same and he’s advertising with two brand names, Karkiv Forge and Fadir Forge. That’s fine with me because the tools are very well made and exactly what I expected.
(BTW “Ivin” is the Ukranian version of “John,” and “Serhii” is a Ukranian spelling for “Sergei.”)
In that previous entry I was working on a horizontal slice from a log that was being shaped into two round bowls about the size of cereal bowls. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough experience in moderating the drying process and both ended up with irredeemable splits.
Thanks for stopping by. Happy carving!!!
where can I order fadir tools,do they have a Web site? I’ve seen them on Etsy.
Hello Ervin,
I bought my axe from Sergey at Kharkiv forge via ETSY. I don’t see him on ETSY now, probably due to the war in Ukraine. From another source, I know that money exchange between Ukraine and the west is almost impossible right now, another reason we can’t find him. I don’t have any other suggestions but see a couple of other sellers on ETSY with similar products. Good luck finding one.